From the website of the Student Success Centre , University of Calgary . At the Student Success Centre , we foster a culture of success that enables students to…
Gamification refers to use technological innovations to 'gamify' learning by borrowing aspects of games courses and lessons. The idea behind gamification is…
Using the Community of Inquiry framework (CoI; for review, see Garrison & Arbaugh, 2007) as a survey instrument, Kovanović et al. (2019) examined learners’…
In the Jisc report Designing learning and assessment in a digital age, from the authors: Gill Ferrell, Ros Smith, Sarah Knigh, 26 January 2018 one of the topics…
Paper Title Understanding Student Engagement in Large-Scale Open Online Courses: A Machine Learning Facilitated Analysis of Student's Reflections in 18 Highly…
Although there is an increase use of online learning all over the world, the understanding of how to engage online students is still limited. Hew (2018) argued…
Gregori, Zhang, Galván-Fernández, and de Asís Fernández-Navarro (2018) examined the learner-support strategies that assist students in completing formal…
Associate Professor and Director of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Nottingham From the website of the Higher Education Acamedy I have been…
Tracking students' data has become a must for new online learning platforms. With thousands of students enrolling in MOOCs, a huge amount of data is generated…
Creativity in the training and practice of instructional designers:. Gregory Clinton and Brad Hokanson. ‘The article presents a discussion of research and…