Written by: Piet van der Zanden (all versions), Themara Bogerd (versions 1.1 and higher), Iris van Loon (version 1.0). Editing by: Themara Bogerd Requirements…
From the website of the Student Success Centre , University of Calgary . At the Student Success Centre , we foster a culture of success that enables students to…
The website lde-studentsuccess.com will be redesigned in the coming two or three weeks. During this period there will be no new articles and also, no newsletter…
Professor Colin Bryson have collected all kind of articles , reports and good-practices about Learning spaces. He has send his report to the members of the…
Collaborative Curricular (re)Construction—Tracking Faculty and Student Learning Impacts and Outcomes Five Years Later. Gintaras K. Duda, Department of Physics…
The use of learning analytics to identify and support students who are at risk of underperforming or dropping out is becoming increasingly popular among higher…
Specific educational problems, such as reducing achievement gaps between racial minority or underrepresented groups, supporting women in science, technology…
Multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) offer new insights into the study of collaborative learning. Multimodal data affords a more effective and efficient…
Rapid technological advancement has given rise to unprecedented ubiquitous opportunities to increase learner agency in mobile inquiry-based learning. This…
A motivated learner is more likely to be a successful learner. Therefore, enhancing motivation is one of the ways to enhance learning. Li and Moore (2018)…