The use of learning analytics to identify and support students who are at risk of underperforming or dropping out is becoming increasingly popular among higher…
In recent years, 'gamification' has become a hot topic in higher education. Gamification refers to using technological innovations to 'gamify' learning by…
We would love to mention briefly the award-winning paper at EDEN 2018 conference with the title: "Stuck in the Middle? Making Sense of the Impact of Micro, Meso…
Gregori, Zhang, Galván-Fernández, and de Asís Fernández-Navarro (2018) examined the learner-support strategies that assist students in completing formal…
Learning analytics (LA) has been discussed several times in this website (click link for article on research evidence and LA taxonomy for information on this…
Taxonomy of Learning Analytics A great article has reviewed papers of learning analytics. According to the author Alejandro Pena-Ayala, he proposed the…
Roger Dawkins gives an interesting insight in the use of Learning Analytics in three blended learning undergraduate courses in Academia , Companion Proceedings…
Learning analytics is “the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and…
Learning analytics depend strongly on data to improve the quality and value of learning experience. However, these gains come at a cost! The investment in data…
Learning Analytics in Higher Education has proven to be helpful to universities and colleges. The benefits stand behind the strategies that Learning Analytics…