The citations in the text below are taken from chapter 1 of the Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework. Discussion Paper, December 2018 The…
Muriel Garreta-Domingo, Peter B. Sloep and Davinia Hernández-Leo In the abstract the authors summarize the results of their research. Educators of all sectors…
Teachers of English as a foreign language in China and the Netherlands have different notions of themselves as teachers in relation to cultures associated with…
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) appear particularly relevant in education for sustainability. Teachers need to critically reflect on their teaching to…
Website Teaching and Learning. Creative learning enables our students to build strong professional identities, future-focussed graduate capabilities and global…
Instructors’ views and use of differentiated instruction in blended learning. Boelens, R., Voet, M., & De Wever, B. (2018). Computers & Education, 120, 197– 212…
Research into and practice of Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD) have been increasing during the last two decades. These have focused on…
Implementing the principles of inclusive education within higher education can be challenging. Inclusive education was originally developed for younger students…
In the excellent Blog '3-Star learning experience. An Evidence-Informed Blog for Learning Professionals' prof. dr. P.A. Kirschner raises the question: 'Should…